Michele Faia  >  blog  >  WHERE HAVE ALL THE CIRCLES GONE?

“Circles of Love” began in 2012 as a project to send love, light, healing and support to the friends and families touched by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in New Town, Connecticut. Students, neighbors, friends and families made lots of Circles. A slide show video was made of all the ones we created and gave away—see the video “Circles of Love for Everyone” at https://www.michelefaia.com/videos/. The project grew beyond its original intention and we have been making and giving away Circles of Love for years now. In this blog you can see where some of the Circles have gone and some of the people we have given them to. I personally have given hundreds away as I carry a little bag full of them in my purse and hand them out when I want to brighten someone’s day. Click on each image to enlarge it and to see the caption which explains the photo and where the Circles have gone.

The Circles in this photograph were made to give to family members at the passing of my very special Aunt. My husband and I first laid the Circles out in our garden, flanked by heart rocks and flowers. We blessed them and gathered them up and gave them away at my Aunt’s memorial. On the back of each Circle it said, “Remembering Margie with Love.”

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